nginx proxy manager fail2ban

I think I have an issue. How can I recognize one?,,,, "iptables: No chain/target/match by that name", fail2ban with docker(host mode networking) is making iptables entry but not stopping connections, Malware Sites access from Nginx Proxy Manager,,, in /etc/docker/daemon.json - you need to add option "iptables": true, you need to be sure docker create chain in iptables DOCKER-USER, for fail2ban ( docker port ) use SINGLE PORT ONLY - custom. Im at a loss how anyone even considers, much less use Cloudflare tunnels. Then the DoS started again. By taking a look at the variables and patterns within the /etc/fail2ban/jail.local file, and the files it depends on within the /etc/fail2ban/filter.d and /etc/fail2ban/action.d directories, you can find many pieces to tweak and change as your needs evolve. But at the end of the day, its working. Working on improving health and education, reducing inequality, and spurring economic growth? It seems to me that goes against what , at least I, self host for. Once your Nginx server is running and password authentication is enabled, you can go ahead and install fail2ban (we include another repository re-fetch here in case you already had Nginx set up in the previous steps): This will install the software. Since most people don't want to risk running plex/jellyfin via cloudflare tunnels (or cloudflare proxy). I've followed the instructions to a T, but run into a few issues. The one thing I didnt really explain is the actionflush line, which is defines in iptables-common.conf. I used following guides to finally come up with this: - iptable commands etc .. Hope this helps some one like me who is trying to solve the issues they face with fail2ban and docker networks :). But is the regex in the filter.d/npm-docker.conf good for this? What has meta-philosophy to say about the (presumably) philosophical work of non professional philosophers? Since its the proxy thats accepting the client connections, the actual server host, even if its logging system understands whats happening (say, with PROXY protocol) and logs the real clients IP address, even if Fail2Ban puts that IP into the iptables rules, since thats not the connecting IP, it means nothing. I have my fail2ban work : Do someone have any idea what I should do? Begin by changing to the filters directory: We actually want to start by adjusting the pre-supplied Nginx authentication filter to match an additional failed login log pattern. Your tutorial was great! I get a Telegram notification for server started/shut down, but the service does not ban anything, or write to the logfile. How To Install nginx on CentOS 6 with yum, /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/nginx-http-auth.conf, /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/nginx-noscript.conf, /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/nginx-noproxy.conf, Simple and reliable cloud website hosting, New! Sure, thats still risky, allowing iptables access like this is always risky, but thats what needs to be done barring some much more complex setups. The number of distinct words in a sentence. Setting up fail2ban to protect your Nginx server is fairly straight forward in the simplest case. Should be usually the case automatically, if you are not using Cloudflare or your service is using custom headers. I want to try out this container in a production environment but am hesitant to do so without f2b baked in. Authelia itself doesnt require a LDAP server or its own mysql database, it can use built in single file equivalents just fine for small personal installations. Anyone who wants f2b can take my docker image and build a new one with f2b installed. For that, you need to know that iptables is defined by executing a list of rules, called a chain. This is less of an issue with web server logins though if you are able to maintain shell access, since you can always manually reverse the ban. Maybe something like creating a shared directory on my proxy, let the webserver log onto that shared directory and then configure fail2ban on my proxy server to read those logs and block ips accordingly? bantime = 360 I've setup nginxproxymanager and would Yes! However, we can create our own jails to add additional functionality. In your instructions, you mount the NPM files as /data/logs and mount it to /log/npm, but in this blog post, the author specifically mentions "Ensure that you properly bind mount the logs at /data/logs of your NPM reverse proxy into the Fail2ban docker container at /var/log/npm. These configurations allow Fail2ban to perform bans with bantime you can also use 10m for 10 minutes instead of calculating seconds. This error is usually caused by an incorrect configuration of your proxy host. Endlessh is a wonderful little app that sits on the default ssh port and drags out random ssh responses until they time out to waste the script kiddie's time and then f2b bans them for a month. Viewed 158 times. In my case, my folder is just called "npm" and is within the ~/services directory on my server, so I modified it to be (relative to the f2b compose file) ../npm/data/logs. The log shows "failed to execute ban jail" and "error banning" despite the ban actually happening (probably at the cloudflare level. They will improve their service based on your free data and may also sell some insights like meta data and stuff as usual. This will let you block connections before they hit your self hosted services. My dumbness, I am currently using NPM with a MACVLAN, therefore the fail2ban container can read the mounted logs and create ip tables on the host, but the traffice from and to NPM is not going to the iptables of the host because of the MACVLAN and so banning does not work. Maybe drop into the Fail2ban container and validate that the logs are present at /var/log/npm. I guess Ill stick to using swag until maybe one day it does. i.e jail.d will have npm-docker.local,emby.local, filter.d will have npm-docker.conf,emby.conf and filter.d will have docker-action.conf,emby-action.conf respectively . As currently set up I'm using nginx Proxy Manager with nginx in Docker containers. 100 % agree - > On the other hand, f2b is easy to add to the docker container. Might be helpful for some people that want to go the extra mile. All rights belong to their respective owners. Furthermore, all probings from random Internet bots also went down a lot. But if you We are not affiliated with GitHub, Inc. or with any developers who use GitHub for their projects. Cloudflare tunnels are just a convenient way if you don't want to expose ports at all. All I needed to do now was add the custom action file: Its actually pretty simple, I more-or-less copied iptables-multiport.conf and wrapped all the commands in a ssh [emailprotected] '' so that itll start an SSH session, run the one provided command, dump its output to STDOUT, and then exit. The thing with this is that I use a fairly large amount of reverse-proxying on this network to handle things like TLS termination and just general upper-layer routing. For all we care about, a rules action is one of three things: When Fail2Ban matches enough log lines to trigger a ban, it executes an action. +1 for both fail2ban and 2fa support. Secure Your Self Hosting with Fail2Ban + Nginx Proxy Manager + CloudFlare 16,187 views Jan 20, 2022 Today's video is sponsored by Linode! This will prevent our changes from being overwritten if a package update provides a new default file: Open the newly copied file so that we can set up our Nginx log monitoring: We should start by evaluating the defaults set within the file to see if they suit our needs. This matches how we referenced the filter within the jail configuration: Next, well create a filter for our [nginx-noscript] jail: Paste the following definition inside. Modify the destemail directive with this value. HAProxy is performing TLS termination and then communicating with the web server with HTTP. For instance, for the Nginx authentication prompt, you can give incorrect credentials a number of times. To properly block offenders, configure the proxy and Nginx to pass and receive the visitors IP address. Hi, sorry me if I dont understand:( I've tried to add the config file outside the container, fail2ban is running but seems to not catch the bad ip, i've tried your rules with fail2ban-regex too but I noted: SUMMARY: it works, using the suggested config outside the container, on the host. Anyone reading this in the future, the reference to "/action.d/action-ban-docker-forceful-browsing" is supposed to be a .conf file, i.e. Hi @posta246 , Yes my fail2ban is not installed directly on the container, I used it inside a docker-container and forwarded ip ban rules to docker chains. Setting up fail2ban to monitor Nginx logs is fairly easy using the some of included configuration filters and some we will create ourselves. Or the one guy just randomly DoS'ing your server for the lulz. However, I still receive a few brute-force attempts regularly although Cloudflare is active. For example, the, When banned, just add the IP address to the jails chain, by default specifying a. They can and will hack you no matter whether you use Cloudflare or not. I just wrote up my fix on this stackoverflow answer, and itd be great if you could update that section section of your article to help people that are still finding it useful (like I did) all these years later. I agree than Nginx Proxy Manager is one of the potential users of fail2ban. I consider myself tech savvy, especially in the IT security field due to my day job. actionban = iptables -I DOCKER-USER -s -j DROP, actionunban = iptables -D DOCKER-USER -s -j DROP, Actually below the above to be correct after seeing In other words, having fail2ban up&running on the host, may I config it to work, starting from step.2? #, action = proxy-iptables[name=%(__name__)s, port="%(port)s", protocol="%(protocol)s", chain="%(chain)s"], iptables-multiport[name=%(__name__)s, port="%(port)s", protocol="%(protocol)s", chain="%(chain)s"], Fail2Ban Behind a Reverse Proxy: The Almost-Correct Way, A Professional Amateur Develops Color Film, Reject or drop the packet, maybe with extra options for how. Server Fault is a question and answer site for system and network administrators. In the volume directive of the compose file, you mention the path as - "../nginx-proxy-manager/data/logs/:/log/npm/:ro". One of the first items to look at is the list of clients that are not subject to the fail2ban policies. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. I already used Cloudflare for DNS management only since my initial registrar had some random limitations of adding subdomains. to your account. Fail2ban already blocked several Chinese IPs because of this attempt, and I lowered to maxretry 0 and ban for one week. By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and If the value includes the $query_string variable, then an attack that sends random query strings can cause excessive caching. Big question: How do I set this up correctly that I can't access my Webservices anymore when my IP is banned? In production I need to have security, back ups, and disaster recovery. Next, we can copy the apache-badbots.conf file to use with Nginx. Then the services got bigger and attracted my family and friends. If not, you can install Nginx from Ubuntus default repositories using apt. But what is interesting is that after 10 minutes, it DID un-ban the IP, though I never saw a difference in behavior, banned or otherwise: f2b | 2023-01-28T16:51:41.122149261Z 2023-01-28 11:51:41,121 fail2ban.actions [1]: NOTICE [npm-general-forceful-browsing] Unban Bitwarden is a password manager which uses a server which can be You'll also need to look up how to block http/https connections based on a set of ip addresses. Already on GitHub? Crap, I am running jellyfin behind cloudflare. I do not want to comment on others instructions as the ones I posted are the only ones that ever worked for me. Can I implement this without using cloudflare tunneling? Is there a (manual) way to use Nginx-proxy-manager reverse proxies in combination with Authelia 2FA? Nothing seems to be affected functionality-wise though. If fail to ban blocks them nginx will never proxy them. Feel free to read my blog post on how to tackle this problem: It works for me also. This will allow Nginx to block IPs that Fail2ban identifies from the Nginx error log file. Any guidance welcome. UsingRegex: ^.+" (4\d\d|3\d\d) (\d\d\d|\d) .+$ ^.+ 4\d\d \d\d\d - .+ \[Client \] \[Length .+\] ".+" .+$, [20/Jan/2022:19:19:45 +0000] - - 404 - GET https "/wp-login.php" [Client] [Length 172] [Gzip 3.21] [Sent-to somesite] "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.69 Safari/537.36" "-", DISREGARD It Works just fine! However, any publicly accessible password prompt is likely to attract brute force attempts from malicious users and bots. In terminal: $ sudo apt install nginx Check to see if Nginx is running. Very informative and clear. This varies based on your Linux distribution, but for most people, if you look in /etc/apache2, you should be able to search to find the line:. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Now that NginX Proxy Manager is up and running, let's setup a site. It's completely fine to let people know that Cloudflare can, and probably will, collect some of your data if you use them. Today's video is sponsored by Linode!Sign up today and get a $100 60-day credit on your new Linode account, link is in the description. video assumes that you already use Nginx Proxy Manager and Cloudflare for your self-hosting.Fail2ban scans log files (e.g. What I really need is some way for Fail2Ban to manage its ban list, effectively, remotely. -X f2b- The steps outlined here make many assumptions about both your operating environment and your understanding of the Linux OS and services running on Linux. Nothing helps, I am not sure why, and I dont see any errors that why is F2B unable to update the iptables rules. In NPM Edit Proxy Host added the following for real IP behind Cloudflare in Custom Nginx Configuration: However, if the service fits and you can live with the negative aspects, then go for it. Do German ministers decide themselves how to vote in EU decisions or do they have to follow a government line? sender = fail2ban@localhost, setup postfix as per here: I confirmed the fail2ban in docker is working by repeatedly logging in with bad ssh password and that got banned correctly and I was unable to ssh from that host for configured period. for reference Graphs are from LibreNMS. Finally, it will force a reload of the Nginx configuration. After this fix was implemented, the DoS stayed away for ever. EDIT: The issue was I incorrectly mapped my persisted NPM logs. I'm curious to get this working, but may actually try CrowdSec instead, since the developers officially support the integration into NPM. @vrelk Upstream SSL hosts support is done, in the next version I'll release today. @jc21 I guess I should have specified that I was referring to the docker container linked in the first post (unRAID). How does a fan in a turbofan engine suck air in? What are they trying to achieve and do with my server? You signed in with another tab or window. I would rank fail2ban as a primary concern and 2fa as a nice to have. How would I easily check if my server is setup to only allow cloudflare ips? Just for a little background if youre not aware, iptables is a utility for running packet filtering and NAT on Linux. Is there any chance of getting fail2ban baked in to this? Https encrypted traffic too I would say, right? We will use an Ubuntu 14.04 server. Forward port: LAN port number of your app/service. I followed the guide that @mastan30 posted and observed a successful ban (though 24 hours after 3 tries is a bit long, so I have to figure out how to un-ban myself). Should I be worried? This is set by the ignoreip directive. By default, only the [ssh] jail is enabled. In this guide, we will demonstrate how to install fail2ban and configure it to monitor your Nginx logs for intrusion attempts. To y'all looking to use fail2ban with your nginx-proxy-manager in docker here's a tip: In your jail.local file under where the section (jail) for nginx-http-auth is you need to add this line so when something is banned it routes through iptables correctly with docker: Anyone who has a guide how to implement this by myself in the image? Thanks @hugalafutro. By default, fail2ban is configured to only ban failed SSH login attempts. @arsaboo I use both ha and nextcloud (and other 13-ish services, including mail server) with n-p-m set up with fail2ban as I outlined above without any issue. Install_Nginx. With both of those features added i think this solution would be ready for smb production environments. Description. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. I followed the above linked blog and (on the second attempt) got the fail2ban container running and detecting my logs, but I do get an error which (I'm assuming) actually blocks any of the ban behavior from taking effect: f2b | 2023-01-28T16:41:28.094008433Z 2023-01-28 11:41:28,093 fail2ban.actions [1]: ERROR Failed to execute ban jail 'npm-general-forceful-browsing' action 'action-ban-docker-forceful-browsing' info 'ActionInfo({'ip': '', 'family': 'inet4', 'fid': at 0x7f0d4ec48820>, 'raw-ticket': at 0x7f0d4ec48ee0>})': Error banning Firewall evading, container breakouts, staying stealthy do not underestimate those guys which are probably the top 0.1% of hackers. Even with no previous firewall rules, you would now have a framework enabled that allows fail2ban to selectively ban clients by adding them to purpose-built chains: If you want to see the details of the bans being enforced by any one jail, it is probably easier to use the fail2ban-client again: It is important to test your fail2ban policies to ensure they block traffic as expected. Start by setting the mta directive. "/action.d/action-ban-docker-forceful-browsing.conf" - took me some time before I realized it. If you set up Postfix, like the above tutorial demonstrates, change this value to mail: You need to select the email address that will be sent notifications. Web Server: Nginx (Fail2ban). However, having a separate instance of fail2ban (either running on the host or on a different container) allows you to monitor all of your containers/servers. Production environment but am hesitant to do so without f2b baked in to this if youre not aware, is! 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