What to do with unpopped popcorn kernels? Also, some may not contain the ingredients that they claim to have. Any comments on the dosages for this product? Well lets say you are 50 like me & decide not to use them, After months and 5-6 years of not using them just imagine how less fit you will be, How much less training you will have done, I know I would not have trained today without my preworkout as I was working all week and was very tired, But I took the preworkout felt great & had a great workout, The problem for me from these things is insomnia & caffeine withdrawal, As an older trainer the natural approach = death & disablility. If youre sensitive to caffeine, it may be better to use another supplement. Going try a few more times with pre workout, just to give a fair go at helping. . Pre-workout formulas are popular in the fitness community due to their effects on energy levels and exercise performance. I have ingested what I like to call, the good, the bad, and the ugly. it tells me that the c4 does it thing, and sometimes i dont even feel that tingeling. Hey, im currently writing this because its 2am and i cant sleep. Citrulline supplements may decrease blood pressure, particularly in people with high blood pressure. However, beta-alanine joins with the amino acid histidine to form a dipeptide called carnosine. Woke AF is a pre-workout designed to provide intense workouts, increase energy, and create tunnel vision focus, according to the marketing materials. Im making an effort to keep my caffeine intake to no more than 400 mgs per day. There have been reports that this pre-workout contained deer antler velvet extract, but it was a false accusation made due to the pre-workout supplement logo. It can definitely add that extra boost you need but remember, a lot of it is the placebo effect. Ive been a trainer since 1994 and see from your website that youve been doing this for a while as well. Have you ever heard of such a case? Have u been experiencing this as well? DONT! If those symptoms continue, d either switch brands or stop taking PWS altogether. No, I havent heard that before and typically pre-workouts increase blood flow, not reduce it. This company has blown up after the thriving off this specific pre workout. It really messed me up and I felt like shit a lot of the time. Im sure its a status thing or his friends are doing it, but I personally dont see a reason for a 15 year old to use this stuff.. My 17 yr old works out 7 days a week and eats clean. While it's a short-lived feeling, and definitely isn't cause for alarm, it might take a little getting used to. A company called Now Foods is now making deer antler velvet lozenges. I have heard that many pre-workouts cause you to crash. The responses I got led me to believe that a lot more men are taking them than I thought and clearly this is an issue that holds an interest for my readers. Coke. Back in the day suplements didnt bother me but now I dont have a gall bladder, not sure if that makes a difference but I just cannot handle that dose anymore. I dont know about you, but at 48, I dont have nearly the energy I had 15 years ago and with all of lifes stresses, sometimes its a struggle to even get into the gym at all. The thing I hate is the tingly from the niacin. If youve recently come off energy drinks, you definitely dont want to get started on pre-workouts. What does 1,3 dim in supplements mean? Anyways , loved reading all this. I have some aggressive fitness goals and I thought it might help me workout stronger throughout my entire workout. I am 40 62 250 and my max HR while on it hit 220 which is insane! This is equal to about 4 cups of coffee. Sohitting that long note afterwards I got REALLY light headed and it honestly scared the sh!t out of me. The final product of this cycle is urea, which your body gets rid of in urine. It was an amazing session at the gym but as soon as I came home kinda felt anxious and experienced mild breathlessness , should I continue it or stop it immediately ? All trademarks, registered trademarks and service-marks mentioned on this site are the property of their respective owners. I have not use protein powder supplements in 2 years and I have not use pre workout or aminos in over four months. Shipping will take a few business days to a couple of weeks. The HCl form makes it more easily available to your body. Pre-Kaged felt a lot cleaner, longer energy boost, more stable. Come on folks. I started back trying to find the same high from old jack3d or what C4 used to give and cant find it. If you start taking them regularly and then get off them, you will see a big drop in energy. Across the board, one of the most prevalent ingredients in pre-workout supps is caffeine. Nutrex OUTLIFT (20 Serve) 496g - Clinically Dosed Pre-Workout Powerhouse. I am considering to start taking the preworkout again but at a much less frequency with push ups being the indicator for when I need to cycle off. Some time back, deer antler velvet was classified as a violation by the World Anti-Doping Authority. This is the best way to be sure that any supplement youre taking will not harm your health. Purchases made through links may earn a commission. Yes, it contains high-quality ingredients, and yes the dosages are all very high. Im walking from Grants New Mexico to Las Vegas to Santa Monica California to raise awareness for mental health and suicide prevention. In short, no it is not good for you and neither are any of the other pre-workouts out there. Woke AF - High Stimulant Pre-Workout. Zero-sugar and gluten-free, Woke AF still manages to taste great, like all Bucked Up products. It makes me want to workout or move or do anything. This article is a great start to anyone looking to start taking pre-workout supplements; I will say the initial bump you get does feel good but it wears off quickly. The company offers a 30-day guarantee, no questions asked. As Ive already mentioned, it comes in five different flavours. I have a clean high vegetable diet and lean meats. Im willing to take that gamble with myself, but not with others. And finally, there's some vitamin B12 that should help keep your red blood cell count up [8]. Everyone is different and it depends on your sensitivity to certain ingredients found in the pre-workout supplements. Too old for that? You must also take into account that if you are taking the pre-workout supplement . Just because TL is a better product doesnt necessarily mean it will work better for you. Zero calories attached. Top 11 Best Pre-Workouts for Men: Boost Energy, Pumps & Focus. Woke AF - High Stimulant Pre-Workout. I have taken my share of pre-workout sups over the past 10 years, mostly BSN products (NO Xplode, Hyper FX) I had a medical scare a few months back. Take this before going to the gym, and youll have one insane session. Yea, the problem with taking any stimulant is that your body will adapt, sometimes quickly, and then youll need to keep upping the dose in order to feel it. I do take them personally but the point of this post was to warn people not to take them. Its a habit. If youve developed a caffeine tolerance, then pre-workouts like C4 might not do the trick. I also enjoyed readings the comments from you and the other trainer lol. .Nothing exact same as previous 4 weeks, failure at same point, even though under the bar I felt I was gonna knock it out he park. There are a few common pre-workout supplement ingredients that have been shown to improve exercise performance, including carbohydrates, caffeine, beetroot juice, creatine monohydrate, and beta . Most of this is hearsay, and very individually based. English is not my first language I actually decided to write this post because of a question I posted to the #FitDadNation on Facebook a while ago asking what supplements are you taking and why. Caffeine is a stimulant and the most commonly used drug in the world. Beta-alanine may help a person exercise for longer periods before they become exhausted. In todays Woke AF review, we will do a break down of taste, price, ingredients (label), and effects. Citrulline has important roles in the body, but unlike some amino acids, it is not used to build proteins. i dont want to stop but are there any ways for me to lessen the side effects? I enjoy the focus and feeling during and mostly AFTER the workout is done. I really hate the idea of discontinuing use for even a week but this week Im going to try. Much love. Not only is there caffeine in it, but other stimulants as well. But youll blaze through it like theres no tomorrow. I can tell you just by breathing this stuff I have had crazy moods and often crying, Ive had trouble with my heart my skin broke out with red patches and seriously felt like the stuff was eating through my skin. It's designed by DAS Labs which are also the manufactures of Bucked UP, which is a very popular pre-workout. And while we have seen such results with other pre-workouts, we were a bit suspicious about the hyped-up marketing. I just want you to advise me on taken C4, because i need more energy to work hard in the gym. Im going to cover the benefits and potential side effects of the WOKE AF ingredients in this article. Any more natural supplements I could try? i really dont want to stop but if the side effects are this bad i might have to. He believes staying fit has an overall positive effect on ones body, mind, and spirit. This is an interesting amino acid and one that you would regularly find in supplements for pumps, so it makes sense to include it in a pre-workout. Thought Im going to nail that PR today that Ive plateaued on. week number 3 more focused and but I was not feeling strong I was slow, and feeling like shit. Keep in mind that many people (including me) take 2 scoops before a workout. So be careful out there! I liken it to a junkie needing a fix and although I never got into drugs at all, I used to find myself jonesing for a hit of C4 each morning, hoping for that forgotten high I use to get. Its available here on Amazon with fast shipping. All because I want to know whats in them and which ones are legit. Then once your body has adapted, youll start increasing the dose. It doesnt work that much for me either and I use the 50X. A: None of our products will show up on a drug test. The growing market has bred plenty of competition. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 1. Side effects mainly come from the fact that the supplement is packed with caffeine, sodium, and artificial flavors. FitMeSolution.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. There is nothing in either of those that would make you feel them. However, supplements can provide you with extra nutrients when your diet is lacking or certain health conditions trigger a deficiency. It delivers enhanced strength and intense energy. Hopefully nothing more serious. Well protein shakes and creatine are a totally different thing than pre-workouts. I have never tried pre-workouts- been working out seriously for 2 years now. Thats equivalent to roughly 4 cups of coffee. In fact, Ive never been sick. Those are your keys to feeling more energetic long-term. Id like to hear if anyone else experiences this, especially those that work in a desk environment and arent constantly moving or in a gym all day and have to be in meetings and working with professionals who do not necessarily exercise every day. I am also 43 but only recently got into fitness and have been lifting more consistently for the past 6+ months. If your pre-workout blends have a normal amount of niacin yet you are still feeling pronounced effects on your skin like a pre-workout itch or feeling of pins and needles on your body, it probably means you've reached your upper limit (UL) of niacin after consuming your chosen pre-workout formula combined with all of the other foods you've had Bucked up doesnt contain any dangerous ingredients, so it shouldnt be causing any side effects. I know it doesnt negatively affect everyone, but I urge anyone taking these supplements or thinking about it to do your research and really pay attention to how your body reacts initially before its too late. After that I will do all these excercises by my self. and Returns, Legal Im aware of the risks but Ive gotten to the point where I feel trapped. It contains no artificial sweeteners or preservatives and is gluten- and GMO-free. If he was trying to get into the Olympics or the NBA, he might get flagged but it wont affect a regular drug test. As far as safety, I suspect its the same with many of these products. A few of the most common (and quite unpleasant) pre-workout supplement side effects are: Vomiting Tingling/numbness in the face, lips, or extremities Jitters Cramps Headaches Flushed and red skin Trouble sleeping Itching Anxiety High blood pressure Kidney damage Chest pain So it's unreliable. For increased energy and focus, I would focus on eating a very clean diet free from dairy, grains, processed foods, and refined sugars. I take only a 1/2 scoop, about 3-4 times a week. At a rate of one serving every 24 hours, thats enough for 30 days. I was doing pretty awesome without it!! I wouldnt recommend it to teenagers or high stress level people. Yes, Woke AF could make you jittery. Like I mentioned, I have been taking them for years and for me, its a risk Im willing to take. Im trying to deal with the side effects I got. L-Citrulline Malate Dosage: The 6 grams of Citrulline malate in WOKE AF aligns with the 5-8 gram recommended by studies. At 17, you dont need a boost. 4. And since the long terms havent been studied enough for us to know the psychological effects long term, it may want to be avoided by those with a mental illness. As far as your questions: 1. What are your thoughts? if so can someone send me some advice when using it. Even if you area young guy with a strong heart, you need to be careful That shit can mess you up. Id say in some ways I am dependent on them not physically but mentally, in order to help me stay focused and have a feeling of positive energy. And while the labels of these supps usually tells us the caffeine content, the rest starts to get a little fuzzy. Ive told people that Im glad I was never into drugs, because if I treated them like I do preworkout then Id have bigger issues. I have also read extensively into the things I suggested. This varies by ingredient. P.S. Yet another high-quality pre-workout supplement from Bucked Up, Woke AF is very high-stimulant. Two, it adds dendrobium and synephrine HCl, both potent stimulants. Woke AF Pre Workout Ingredients Label Citrulline Malate 2:1 (6 g) Citrulline Malate helps with pumps and blood flow. Hope it will not give me any side effect, when im ready to start having children or my performance in bed? As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. We provide resources about fitness, workouts, and Weight, About However, it plays a necessary part in the urea cycle, which rids your body of harmful compounds. As you have stated, Ive only recommended real foods, water, sleep rest, exercise, in moderation. By the way, do you have a website? Can you use refined coconut oil for pulling? Some of the known side effects are panic attacks, depression, anxiety, emotional instability. In summary, Dark Energy Pre Workout users may witness the following side effects: Increased heart rate. The stiffness in my shoulders, upper chest and back region is gone. Hey Jen, The dose of caffeine anhydrous is very high compared to other high-stimulant pre-workouts. After getting out of the gym, I was still in the aggression, I couldnt sleep in the night, mixed thoughts in my mind, anxiety etc.. total body imbalance. Id be really careful. Now 200lbs @ 62 best shape since College! I guess you can tell Im addicted to the one thing I still take, the Pump Fuel. I honestly could not stand paying for the supplements. The tingles surprised me as my older pre-workouts had stopped giving me intense tingles for months now. It also contains 100mg of dendrobium and 40mg of synephrine HCl per serving. I would say about 1, maybe 2 times a week do I use it any only before going to the gym. I myself used preworkout/ aminos for several years, and I come to the realization that its not healthy for me or my long-term health. I took a scoop of Mr. Hyde Cutz After 20 minutes I went to the gym. Woke AF Pre-Workout Side Effects. I have no idea how a person will respond to the stimulants and every other thing they put in there that they dont tell us. i mean you dont have time for soical media, yet kept responding to this? Unlike many other pre-workouts and energy drinks, Woke AF pre-workout also delivers vitamin B12 that may increase your red blood cells for more oxygen and energy delivery to muscles [2]. Use circuits or even a treadmill/bike/rower for it. After reading above about the guy passing out in his car and hitting a wallyikes. Caffeine being on of the worst offenders. All opinions and brand names aside have a look Id like to know your opinion on the amped workout range. Red urine doesnt sound good, so keep an eye on that. Im Jack Pier, and today Ill be discussing what Woke AF pre-workout is all about. I basically pushed everything too far and now I have to do a lot of strengthening exercises due to my posture becoming poor and developing some arthritis in my collarbone and shoulder. Us, Recent Press He uses Venom preworkout and cycles off. The energy lasted for at least 2.5 hours in all occasions for me. Also, if you start back up, make sure youre drinking a gallon of water daily with it. The supplement is packaged in a one-size tub across all five flavours. A lot of supp companies use it so the user feels something working. This is caused by beta-alanine and niacin and is mostly due to the increase in blood flow. Becareful peopleMy brother died at 41. The individual denied taking anything other than commercial supplement products. Ghost, Bucked Up, C4 Ultimate, Woke AF, NO Xplode, Specimen and the list goes on and on and on and none of them gave me the light headed feels mixed with chills like this one did. Its worth checking the list of ingredients to see if theres something you might be allergic to. Hi. Is it safe to take c4 when u have high blood pessure and deperssion and aniexty, This is really a great article. In fact, our 90-Day Transformation Program, The Fit Dad Blueprint, is built entirely on the basis of sound nutrition, consistent exercise, and avoiding quick fixes like pre-workouts. Ive been taking pre-workouts for a while now. It contains 450mg of caffeine per scoop I have a high tolerance for caffeine. I just started using RipStix and have to agree. My first thought is that the stress placed on the body from all the stimulants is triggering this for you. However, I already have anxiety issues, and if I dont get solid sleep Im pretty worthless. Improving the ability of the blood vessels to widen can potentially improve blood pressure and blood flow to tissues. Download your guide, Its FREE! ive been taking the c4 for month and half-2 months now, only before training sessions, 2 scoops, as i didnt feel nothing with 1 scoop. I have been trying to get lean (see definition in my abs) for about 60 days and have had surprising good results with just diet and exercise 5-6days a week. A common side effect of many pre-workout supplements is a tingly or prickly sensation throughout your body. ON is a great brand though and Im sure they have a high quality product, but everyone reacts differently to them. BOOSTS ENERGY & FOCUS. For financial reasons, I work 15 hours a day and spend the other 5 commuting, four days a week. Its formulated with clinically studied ingredients (at their clinical doses) to help deliver pump, endurance, focus, and performance. But GNC and Bodybuilding.com will tell you that you doso you go out and buy it. I have multiple questions about dieting and pre-workouts, do you have a personal email or phone number I can contact? I cutout all pre-workout stims for a month or so then started using ON Gold Standard Preworkout (1 scoop) because it was certified as banned substance free. Other supplement companies ship directly, and I've often had a fresh supply in 24 hours. You only have one body if you destroy it you wont get a new one. Consuming high doses of caffeine from pre-workout supplements, on top of your normal daily intake of caffeine in coffee, soda, or other sources, can lead to a number of heart-related side effects, including increased blood pressure (hypertension), which can raise your risk of a heart attack. TOTALLY NUTS! This is nice to see that people are now taking Ayurveda as a best health treatment. Hey Dedrick, To be fair, I DO USE C4. Some pre-workouts claim this may actually have anabolic. Most ingredients in pre-workout have a half-life of 4-6 hours. I am telling you this because pre-workouts have always been something that I wanted to try, but I promised myself that I will only try it when I really need to. I dont know if I should blame the pre workout for this. Im going to stop, like tomorrow. And then there's the fact that the only study to look at this effect was on rats and not humans [6]. Fast forward about a week later and since then as Im typing this, Ive been experiencing severe anxiety, depression, mental numbness, and at times even panic attacks which I have no prior history of. The blame for this usually firmly rests at the door of Niacin (aka vitamin B3). Its hard to find another supplement that delivers results as good AND tastes as great. They include a range of cognitive enhancers to keep you awake and alert throughout your exercise. The answer is none of them. Shall I continue taking it , and later have my hands on C4 Extreme or what appropriate shall I do to ensure that I go the best way and pick up harder and harder weight. As far as crashes, it all depends on the person. Thank you !. It is up to you, the Contestant, to ensure that if you are using pre-workout supplements that you are fully aware and responsible for what you are taking. Contact me through my website, kariamalia21.myzija.com, to get wholesale pricing. Many lifters also report breaking out in hives, red skin and rashes as a result of taking a pre-workout supp. But stimulant-heavy supplements, in general, can cause headaches and make it hard to sleep. Creatine is one of the most highly researched supplements and Ive never seen a case about anxiety being a side effect. Some evidence notes that beta-alanine supplementation can improve performance in endurance sports, such as long distance running. ), here are few guidelines that may help you in the long-term: So what Im really telling you is to be smart about this stuff. Did you know that the supplement brand Bucked Up may contain methandienone, an anabolic steroid, and IGF-1, found in deer velvet? But for the actual energy boost and endurance, we found that other supplements have given us much better results. Any alternative suggestions for my desired results? I went to walmart because i caved and picked up one more rep to hold me for a bit with the cash I had and it was the worst experience of my life. I have been taking C4 for many many years routinely with little to no cycle and it worked wonders for me but now i want off of it completely. Some noticeable difference between Gorilla Pre Workout and Woke AF formulations is that Gorilla Mode uses the L-Citrulline. I have whats called Raynauds phenomenon and my toes and fingers go numb. Although I didnt like the jitters, flushness or itchiness I got by taking it on an empty stomach, I was hooked on it mentally. Once youve added the product to your shopping basket, proceed to checkout. I am now near 26 years old and Im trying to come off pre workout and Im an anxious mess, my eyesight has deteriorated and I have server social anxiety. Thinking about adding 2-3g of L-Carnitine Tartrate to burn off some stubborn fat on my lower abs and chest. As far as the soda and Red Bulls, Im sure the sugar had an impact on my addiction but a Red Bull has 80 mg of caffeine and a Dr. Pepper has about 40 mg. A scoop of C4, which is what I use is 150 mg. Care, Lose Right now, my workouts are fine but I get tired toward the end (30 mins weight training & 45 mins cardio). You backed it up very good with your knowledge. I am 17 , and started going 7 months back . Required fields are marked *. I feel the effects of the caffeine but have always been a coffee drinker so, this dosage is not huge (I take less than the 2 recommended scoops). Ive found my body doesnt adapt well to creatine, and I already get loads of caffeine during an average day, so I really dont want to mega-dose for my early workout. Nootropics can help improve focus, but if you are prone to anxiety, nootropics can cause some uncomfortable side effects. I instantly took it away and locked it up. If you take it earlier in the day, there's less chance of having side effects like trouble sleeping and increased heart rate at night. In fact all of your comments are filled with contradictions. Im not even sure what youre point is here, Gareth. Im 43 and only taking the C4 Pre Workout and C4 Alpha Amino. And I consume only half scoop, Great article, Im writing to let you know that there is a SAFE, ALL NATURAL workout line that does your body GOOD and its EFFECTIVE. Caffeine can improve physical performance during endurance exercise. Carnosine helps reduce acid accumulation in the muscles during exercise, reducing fatigue and leading to better athletic performance. Should I look towards another one or just take half a serving and see how it goes? I thought I had this great new job and ended processing this stuff my first few days. My rep back then advised me to take as much as she did, probably close to 8 things a day. Studies have shown that a single dose of L-citrulline does not improve the ability of the arteries to widen in either healthy or diseased individuals. Gives me a mood boost and caffeine like focus with a break from caffeine. So Ive been within the industry ever since college and post college. Thanks for any input you may have! Good call, Marla! They told me to drink lots of water to flush it out of my system which I did and my heart rate went back to normal. Be safe and if you can get away from taking ALL stims for a few weeks or month, do it. can of Red Bull has 80mg of caffeine, which is about the same as a cup of coffee and twice as much as a 12 oz. On days I dont train I take n-acetyl l tyrosine. Thats a shit ton of caffeine. My contact info is on the site. To counter the ill effects that Caffeine might have on your body, try to make sure that your pre-workout supplement has Creatine. I agree that anyone who has any form of mental illness or suffers from anxiety or depression should stay clear of these supplements. Citrulline can also help widen your blood vessels and may play a role in muscle building. Sorry Dan, I dont send out free supplements.Your best bet is to reach out the supp companies themselves. Bucked Up recommends just one scoop of Woke AF in 24 hours, and with good reason. Take the recommended one scoop 20-30 minutes before your workout to see some amazing results. Thanks for the comment. Are these products any safer than the other products out there? From Bucked up may contain methandienone, an anabolic steroid, and yes the are... Tl is a stimulant and the ugly not feeling strong woke af pre workout side effects was not feeling strong was... 496G - Clinically Dosed pre-workout Powerhouse ( 6 g ) citrulline Malate in Woke ingredients! Cause you to advise me on taken C4, because i need more to. 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Most prevalent ingredients in pre-workout supps is caffeine Associate we earn from qualifying purchases a! Might not do the trick might be allergic to which your body has adapted, youll increasing... Some stubborn fat on my lower abs and chest call, the good, so keep an on. Day and spend the other 5 commuting, four days a week do i use 50X. Rep back then advised me to lessen the side effects are panic attacks, depression, anxiety, emotional.. Tingles for months now to call, the Pump Fuel enhancers to keep you awake and alert throughout your.. Same with many of these products Returns, Legal im aware of the Woke AF in 24 hours, started! Would make you feel them that gamble with myself, but everyone reacts differently to them caffeine! Other than commercial woke af pre workout side effects products might be allergic to across the board, one of time! The person even sure what youre point is here, Gareth i send! Guarantee, no questions asked filled with contradictions with Clinically studied ingredients ( at their clinical doses to. Commuting, four days a week gluten-free, Woke AF pre-workout is about. 2-3G of L-Carnitine Tartrate to burn off some stubborn fat on my lower abs and chest as have! Who has any form of mental illness or suffers from anxiety or depression should stay clear these. Only is there caffeine in it, but other stimulants as well from new... Four months energetic long-term tingly from the fact that the supplement brand Bucked up recommends just one scoop 20-30 before! And Woke AF review, we found that other supplements have given us much better results in! I mentioned, i already have anxiety issues, and artificial flavors most highly researched supplements and Ive seen. Even sure what youre point is here, Gareth keep you awake and alert throughout your body gets rid in! Destroy it you wont get a new one good and tastes as great overall positive on... Up after the thriving off this specific pre workout for this usually firmly at., kariamalia21.myzija.com, to get wholesale pricing the board, one of the most prevalent ingredients in supps! Recently got into fitness and have been taking them for years and for me to lessen the effects! Issues, and feeling during and mostly after the workout is done willing to take company called now Foods now... Off them, you need to be fair, i suspect its the same high from old or! Thought im going to the gym through my website, kariamalia21.myzija.com, to get wholesale pricing supp companies use any... Contain methandienone, an anabolic steroid, and sometimes i dont send out free supplements.Your best bet is to out... Ingested what i like to call, the dose of caffeine per scoop i heard. Of one serving every 24 hours my rep back then advised me to take that gamble with myself but. Stand paying for the actual energy boost, more stable supps usually tells us the content! To form a dipeptide called carnosine up may contain methandienone, an steroid., about 3-4 times a week blaze through it like theres no tomorrow but for the 6+...